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Sea and Cake

30 Jan

Good morning! I hope you all had wonderful weekends, and you were able to stay warm and cozy and dry with this crazy winter weather that we’ve been having. It’s easy to forget, with the mild weather we’ve been having (until now,) but winter here in Canada can be a pretty treacherous business! I know a lot of you have to spend a lot of time on the road, for school and stay safe, ok?

Whew! Look at me, mom-ing you all on a Monday morning – I’m sorry. Can you tell I’ve had a domestic weekend? That was just some lingering after-effects. But it’s out of my system now, I promise.

But I’ll tell you what I hope will stay in my system a little longer – this nice, relaxed feeling that I got from a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. Remember how excited I was about it? Well, I have to tell you, 48 hours of watching movies, cooking, watching tv, doing laundry, watching movies, sleeping, and oh, did I mention watching tv? …was everything I hoped it would be and more. No cabin fever for this domestic goddess, let me tell you! Just glowing, relaxed skin – a by product of sleep (and marshmallow peanut butter squares.)

Anyway, I wanted to keep that mellow feeling with this morning’s song selection, which is called, appropriately enough, Monday!

I’m not sure what the band’s name is appropriate for though – other than a catchy blog title and an excuse to feature some fun pictures – Sea and Cake?!? Is anyone else seeing a connection here that I’m missing?!?

Anyway, enjoy the tune, and I’ll see you hear tomorrow for our Downton Abbey chat!


Oceanic awesomeness provided by and

One or Two or Ten

25 Jan

Good morning, and welcome to Wednesday!

Well, we’re halfway there. And I’m happy to report that this week is flying by a lot more quickly than last week did – for me at least. I hope it’s the same way for you!

Yesterday morning, I talked about my reaction to “The Artist”, and then, just as I was getting ready to leave for work, the 2012 Oscar nominees were announced! And sure enough, “The Artist” was mentioned once or twice… or ten times! You can get to the official Oscar website and see the complete list of nominees here. I haven’t decided what our theme is going to be for February yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to have something to do with movies!

Meanwhile, I was so busy sharing my rant, I mean, review, of “The Artist” (which you can check out here if you haven’t seen it already,) that I completely forgot that Tuesdays were going to be Downton Abbey days here at Gumball Crayola!

But never fear! I have just the ticket! (Yes, I totally typed that in a British accent – how did you know?!?) Here’s your D.A news:

If you were watching last Sunday’s episode and thinking that Lady Mary has a lovely singing voice, you’re not alone! My sources (thank you, tell me that Lady Mary and her mother Lady Cora (known in real life as Michelle Dockery and Elizabeth McGovern) are making an album together! And it should be out sometime this year! And that’s all the information I have! But I promise to keep you posted on this very exciting development.

Have a jolly good day everyone!

Taking A Break From Crazy

23 Jan

Good morning! I hope you all had wonderful weekends. I had a lot of fun, with friends and family, and I’m looking forward to sharing the details with you later this week.

In the meantime, I just wanted to thank you for putting up with me and my grumpy self last week. There was a situation in Corporate World that didn’t work out the way I was hoping it would, and, as much as I try to leave my work at work at the end of the day, it turns out that I was taking it home with me after all.

But it’s a new week, and I’m newly determined to “take a break from crazy” to quote a favourite singer of mine. You can hear more of his words of wisdom below. Smart guy, that Andrew Allen!

(Not to mention talented – his voice can definitely keep me warm! See? I’m keeping our theme alive! For five more posts, anyway…)

I hope it’s all going to be all right for all of you today, and I hope you’ll come by and hang out again with me tomorrow! 🙂

I’ve been noticing that Youtube has been slow lately, so if you’re having trouble with the video, you can also hear an acoustic Andrew by clicking on the player below.