Things I Love #127

25 Oct


Good morning to you too! And no, I didn’t just sneeze all over my keyboard.

NaNoWriMo is how all the cool kids refer to National Novel Writing Month, which, I just learned, will be upon us this November.

According to my sources, the illustrious history of NaNoWriMo began over ten years ago, when writer Chris Baty set the goal for himself to write 50,000 words in 30 days. (Ambitious, much?!?) When 20 of his friends also accepted the challenge, NaNoWriMo was born!

And by the way, I wasn’t kidding about the “illustrious” part. Sarah Gruen’s Water for Elephants (which I happen to know is a favourite novel for more than one of you lovely GC visitors) grew out of this project!

You can learn more by visiting their website at

I have to say, after hearing about this project and checking out their nifty website, I’m seriously tempted to try it!

It might be fun.

It might drive me nuts.

But it might be really fun!

What do you think?

Should I go for it???
